Monday, June 6, 2016

Prayer for the Season of Pentecost

Faithful God, your deliverance is near at hand: keep us from fear and help us to find courage and joy in your word.

Tender God, gentle protector in time of trouble: pierce the gloom of despair and give us, with all your people, the song of freedom and the shout of praise. I will employ all of my soul and body to praise your most holy name.

Do not face us, O living God, with the choice of a world without justice or a future without mercy; in your mercy, establish justice and in your justice, remember your overflowing mercy.

Remove our hearts of stone. Replace them with hearts sprinkled clean and made of flesh. Put a new spirit within us; let us be your people. Kindle in us the fire of your love. Amen

Based on:
Celebrating Common Prayer (SSF) Psalm 56-58
John Wesley, Old Testament Commentary Psalm 56-58
Psalm 56-58 Peterson, Eugene. The Message
Psalm 56-58 NRSV, AMP