Friday, September 28, 2012

Music of the Spheres

Music of the Spheres
The Temple Bells
Youth Retreat, 1992

God, I thank you for chords sweet and fragrant
Whose music causes me to follow and to wonder.

God, I thank you for chords I cannot see or understand
Whose music will touch the hearts of those I cannot know.

God, I thank you for chords bitter to taste and hard to swallow
Whose music heals and nourishes and causes me to stretch and grow.

God, I thank you for chords I cannot hear
Whose music invades my soul and will not be silent.

God, I thank you for chords warm and gentle
Whose music wraps me in your love and causes me to return your song.


Saturday, September 8, 2012


As light pushes its way out of darkness,
My brain and body push their way out of sleep.
I always wonder in that place where the sun
Is just ready to jump into the sky
Just how much of me there will be today.
Then beyond the first twenty brutal steps
Where the pain is the distillate of darkness and
The sun is in my eyes, there I take account
Of the challenges I’ll face today,
I remember I dreamt of horses at the carwash.
                                             By Jorja Davis