Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Guagua Guagua by Jorja Davis and Chariti Young

Guagua Guagua

Are these streets I’m on the streets of change?
Do I really want to know?

Am I brave enough to see? (See what’s really going on?)
Am I strong enough to feel? (Have I been all along?)
Am I whole enough to love? (Bring the pieces with me?)

Time and distance, healing song.

Familiar roads.
Sometimes full circle takes me back; sometimes moves on.
Some riders change, some never falter.
Where are you? Here now. Now gone.

Brave enough to see.
Strong enough to feel.
Whole enough to love.

En la guagau que le toma en todas partes y no le toma en ninguna partes para guagua
hay muchos amantes sa como usted bien sabía.
Pero la guagua guagua vé solamente mentirosos y tramposos.
¿Puede ser? Es sólo tú y yo una vez más.
La guagua guagua sólo puede saber donde ha ido
Y donde esto irá otra vez.

In the bus that takes you anywhere and takes you nowhere for little or nothing
Are many lovers as you well know,
But the little for nothing bus sees only liars and cheats.
Can it be? It is only you and I once again.
The little for nothing bus can only know where it has been
And where it will go again

Are these the streets I’m on the streets I’ve seen before?
Do I really want to know?

Was I brave enough to go? (Go where I’d never gone?)
Was I strong enough to heal? (I have been all along.)
Was I wise enough to love? (Use what I learned before?)

Time and distance, come and gone.

Familiar roads.
Sometimes full circle takes me back; sometimes moves on.
Some riders change, some never falter.
Where are you? Here now. Now gone.

Brave enough to go.
Strong enough to heal.
Wise enough to love.

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